In general, the same notes apply for an update as for initial installation (refer to Software Installation, Communication, and Validation Initial Installation).
Before you perform an update, please note:
To update Chromeleon, it is not necessary and not recommended that you uninstall a previous Chromeleon version. This would delete all entries in the Chromeleon registry, such as the Key Code, PAL location, and datasources. Before you update an existing version, close the server, the client, the Server Monitor program, and all other applications.
If you have developed your own generic device driver, copy all GEN files you created yourself to a separate directory before you update your system. This is to prevent that the files are inadvertently overwritten. (For more information about generic device drivers, refer to Hardware Installation The Generic Device Driver.)
Chromeleon 6.80 Service Packs and Service Releases are cumulative, that is, they contain all the new or enhanced features and the resolved issues of every previous CM 6.80 Service Pack and Driver Update.
Make sure that the Server, the Client, and the server monitor are disabled during Setup. Verify that neither the server monitor icon nor any minimized program button is displayed on the Windows taskbar!
To perform a Chromeleon update, run the following program:
Setup.exe (in subfolder CM680SRxx)
Updated versions of various administrative programs (CmUser, CM License Server) are available in separate directories on the Service Release DVD.
To update Chromeleon on many PCs, Dionex recommends using Automatic Installation (Unattended Mode).